I was nervous about a 12 hour plane ride to Sao Paulo, Brazil because it's the longest flight I've ever taken. I don't usually have a problem sleeping on planes, I'm not claustrophobic, and I'm not much of a conversationalist if I don't have to be, so I figured it couldn't be that bad. I had my book, my noise reduction headphones, a fully loaded Ipod, an aisle seat and a fancy neck pillow. I was set. Of course you, never know who is going to be seated next you on a plane, so there's always a little element of surprise when you are boarding. It's important to note that planes aren't like buses, where people get on and off, or shuffle around, so you're never stuck next a weirdo (if'your luck is like mine) for too long. With a plane, your seatmates are with you the entire way.
As I took my seat on the plane, I noticed to my right was a Korean couple arguing loudly about something. To my left, I saw a nice looking, young girl talking on her phone. No one in the middle seat -- Praise Jesus. When she finished her phone conversation, the girl to my left said something to me in Portuguese. Here's when my Portuguese CDs came in handy, and I said to her "Eu no fallo Portugues." I don't speak Portugese. At this point, she decided to start chatting with me in English. Smiling and nodding, I made small talk with her about being from Los Angeles, working as a teacher, and taking a short vacation to Brazil before school starts. I thought this would be enough to satisfy her, but I was wrong. Despite looking down at my book and headphones in my lap several times, the girl did not seem to notice my body language was saying, "Please stop talking to me, I want to read my book." She must have been reading, "You are smiling and nodding, I should keep talking." Lost in translation? Our conversation turned into more of a monologue as I learned all about how her family raised her Mormon and she always knew she wanted to live the U.S., her life in Utah, her travels in the US as some sort of medical sales rep, and her short MODELING CAREER in New York, and her millionare boyfriend that insists she learns how to scuba dive in Aruba. So, to review, on my flight to Sao Paulo, I sat next to a talkative, snow-boarding, soon to be millionare wife, former Brazilian model turned medical sales rep from Utah.
Luckily I ate before I got on the plane, so I didn't have to touch the pasta smothered in cream sauce and cheese, the limp salad, or cold roll. After the meal, and the conversation (which isn't quite the right word because I think that implies two people alternating speaking and listening) about why Cadillacs and Audis are the best cars, how doctors don't make good boyfriends, and the sugar chemical that the millionaire boyfriend puts into gum to help fight cavities, the in-flight movie started. I thought the movie might signal an end to the coversation, but instead the girl decided to talk about why she didn't like the movie, Seventeen Again, and how she thought all young stars like Zach Ephron were overrated. At this point, I was able to break in to the speech to agree politely, because I don't think too highly of Zach Ephron either, and excuse myself to the bathroom.
I paced the back of the plane for at least 10 min. walking just close enough up to my row to see if she was asleep. I saw her take the Tylenol PM and knew I would be able to sit in peace soon. After listening to the flight attendants chatter about how many Duty Free items they sold, I ventured back to my row. To my delight, I found my friend trying to sleep with blankets covering her body and an eye mask covering her face. Relieved, I put my headphones, opened my book and started to read.
12 hours later, I landed in Sao Paulo. Turned in my H1N1 flu paperwork, had my passport stamped and was greeted by Ana Paula. A wonderful friend of my aunt and uncle's who is graciously hosting me in Sao Paulo. More adventures are to come, I'm sure.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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sounds like she and i would be BFF! you should have just turned to her and said something really sarcastic and given her the stink eye. Thats what you do to me when you want me to stop talking!
you need to write a book. i feel like i could picture all you were blogging about! have a great trip! - stef
Have an awesome time in Brazil! Live it up while you can :)
I love this. You're a riot. Keep writing.
Did you get any sleep on the flight? Look at the positive, you were hoping for some inspiration for the next blog topic. Have fun in Brazil.
the pacing in the back of the plane was a smooth move on your part! great tactic
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